Our team of dedicated tutors is made up of qualified teachers, masters graduates and undergraduates.
All our tutors work hard and actually care about the students they teach. They are all trained to get the best out of all the children.
Our tutors are champions in their own fields and love to pass on their knowledge to help the future generation flourise.
Our dedicated Key Stage 2, GCSE and 11+ tutors ensure all children are working towards the best grades possible. They keep an upto date record of the scores their students to ensure they keep on achieving high marks.
11+ intensive Application 2019 >
About our Payment Schedule
Payment is taken in advance, on the 1st of every month.
"Both of our children have benefited from the personalized encouragement and support given by the capable tutors at Dagenham Tuition Centre. The children are continuing to make remarkable progress at school and are showing more confidence and positivity in the way they tackle new challenges." [Mr & Mrs Valji]
"Just a big thank you for your contined support with the children. Leo got his mock results and he did really well. He was top in his class for science and also did very well in his Maths and English.
We had Ofsted 2 weeks ago and his maths book was picked at random. They were really impressed with his presentation of work. Please pass my thank you" [Mrs EG]
"The team at Grays Tuition Centre are keen to provide us with regular feedback and offer us valuable advice on how to sustain our children's interest at home too." [Parent]
"I would like to emphasize that all my three children study here and the standard of their education level has improved considerably and they have come top in their schools thanks to the great team at grays tuition centre they are a class apart!!!!!" [Parent]​
"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."